
Where to find the books:

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Books Inc. (Campbell)

Bookasaurus (Sunnyvale)

All versions of my books are also available on

New! Fire by Night (available in paperback and e-book formats)

This collection of fifty poems follows the journey of a wilderness wanderer. Divided into seven stages—Pilgrim, Desert, Lent, Summer, Winter, Night, and Torchlight—it travels unflinchingly into the dark places of loss, grief, anxiety, depression, and spiritual deconstruction. Yet through it all, flickering, are glimpses of hope by torchlight.

Buy Fire by Night here!

The Voyages of the Legend

Love The Chronicles of Narnia or Harry Potter? Then you just might enjoy The Voyages of the Legend, an award-winning fantasy series for ages 9-14! Winner of a Moonbeam Children’s Book Award, semifinalist for the BookLife Prize in Fiction, and finalist in the Shelf Unbound Best Indie Book Competition!

Book 1: The Illuminator’s Gift (available in paperback, hardcover, e-book,and audiobook formats)

Ellie is a twelve-year-old orphan who desperately wants a family. She just doesn’t expect to find one when she joins the crew of the Legend, a flying ship in a secret rescue fleet. On board, she meets a boy with a pet tarantula, a bully with eyes like mirrors, and a librarian who can read eighteen languages. Unexpectedly, Ellie also discovers a powerful gift that only she can wield. But when the Legend is called to a dangerous rescue mission, Ellie risks losing everyone she loves. Will her mysterious gift be enough to save her and her friends from a deadly enemy bent on destroying their world?

“…magical…this book is a real page turner.” -Readers’ Favorite, 5-star review

Buy Book 1 here! 

Book 2: The Illuminator’s Test (available in paperback, e-book,and audiobook formats)

As Ellie and her friends start new lives on the flying island of Rhynlyr, Ellie hopes she’s finally found a home. At the Academy, she learns to wield her gift of Sight and discovers her role in the war against Draaken. But Draaken also wants to control Ellie’s gift. With the help of a blind mentor, an elite bodyguard, and a hostile singer, Ellie must navigate a storm of danger and deception that threatens to cut her off from her friends and corrupt her very self. When disaster strikes, will she find the courage to fight for her friends and the future of the One Kingdom?

“…exquisite…along the lines of the Harry Potter series and The Lord of the Rings.” -Readers’ Favorite, 5-star review

Buy Book 2 here! 

Book 3: The Illuminator Rising (available in paperback, e-book, and audiobook formats)

Driven from their home island of Rhynlyr, Ellie and her friends must solve a riddle to find the survivors of the Vestigia Roi. But instead of a safe haven, they discover a hopeless band of refugees paralyzed by fear. Strengthened by new allies and new gifts, the crew of the Legend faces dangers like never before. Can they escape being shot out of the sky, falling over the Edge of the world, or being engulfed by urken armies long enough to rally the Vestigia Roi? And can they rekindle a fire from the ashes of the One Kingdom before Draaken takes over the world? 

“Painted in dazzling and exciting settings that inspire imagination, it is not just the Illuminator coming into her own and rising, but the entire epic saga.” -Angela Wallace, author of the award-winning Elemental Magic series

Buy Book 3 here!

Book 4: The Illuminated Kingdom (available in paperback, e-book, and audiobook formats). The series finale!

The Vestigia Roi has risen up to retake their home island of Rhynlyr, but all Ellie can think about is rescuing her missing brother, Connor. Guided by a dream of Connor’s whereabouts, Ellie disobeys the Council’s orders and stows away aboard the Legend. But a simple rescue mission quickly goes wrong as Ellie and her friends confront new monsters and old enemies. The crewmembers of the Legend soon find themselves waging a last, desperate battle to save not just Connor or Rhynlyr, but their entire world. As the One Kingdom hangs in the balance, Ellie and the Vestigia Roi must ultimately decide what they are fighting for—and how much they are willing to sacrifice for it.

The Illuminated Kingdom ends the story in a most satisfactory way…I could not put it down.” -Lloyd Russell, book reviewer at The Book Sage

Buy Book 4 here! 

To get your book copy signed, stop one of my upcoming events or book me as a speaker for your school, homeschool group, book club, or event! Contact me for availability!

10 thoughts on “Books

  1. My son, Morgan, and I met you in May at HEART Academy. We finished reading The Illuminator’s Gift in June. We both liked it a lot, and we look forward to reading The Illuminator’s Test. The story is very compelling. It isn’t a “girls’ book,” even if Ellie is a girl. Very well done!


  2. These fantasies are awesome! I’ve read all three books (The Illuminator’s Gift,The Illuminator’s Test,and The Illuminator Rising) and can hardly wait to read the fourth book:)


  3. hey Alina, your books are so amazing! I think it’s so inspiring how you self-published the first one too- you knew your book was great! you rock!


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