New Hardcover! (And Other News)

Some of us readers prefer paperback books, light enough to stick in a purse or backpack (and not hurt when we fall asleep reading and the book lands on our faces). Some prefer ebooks, a whole library within arm’s reach. Some are audiobook aficionados, ready for a narrator’s company on the road or around the house. And others are hardcover diehards who love the heft, the durability, the satisfying crack of opening a new binding. 

I’m pleased to announce that, for the first time, The Illuminator’s Gift is now available in all of these formats with the release of a new hardcover edition! The printing style is case laminate (no dust jacket), and I hope it satisfies the hardcover diehards among you! 

Note: Due to printing and shipping delays, hardcover arrival times are currently listed for early January, after the holidays. However, this might make a great incentive gift for kids who are a little reluctant to go back to school in the new year! 

In other news…Did you know the whole Voyages of the Legend series is now available in audiobook format? Narrator Wendy Wolfson completes the series with a stirring performance of The Illuminated Kingdom, bringing the cast of characters to life! 

This year I gave my second TEDx talk, entitled “Poetry and a Pandemic.” Though the pandemic canceled launch events for my most recent book, Fire by Night, a little poetry might be just what the world needs right now. Listen to the talk here!


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